As an MBA degree candidate, you’ve likely given a lot of thought into the type of industry you hope to work in. The great thing about a master’s degree in business is that it will put you in the position to have greater flexibility across several industries. Not only will this degree mean a higher earning potential, but the opportunity to become a business leader in the future. For five ways to think about your career options ahead as an MBA candidate, read on.
1. Making a Difference through Corporate Culture Shifts
Regardless of the exact direction of their future career, many masters-level candidates meet with MBA admissions consulting to craft mission statements that talk about their long term goals before the application process. For many, these goals center around the idea of making big changes in the world and corporate culture. If you’re someone who hopes to use your advanced degree to change how businesses run, workplace policies, and more, a concentration in business organization might be right for you.
If making a difference, employee retention, having the respect of your coworkers, implementing programs for peer recognition, and tracking employee milestones matters to you, you could be someone who enjoys a senior management position in human resources. From planning special events and incorporating wellness programs and incentives into corporate culture, you’d be the person others turned to as a mentor. You may even find yourself advocating for things like casual Friday and finding creative ways to recognize work anniversaries, all adding up to better employee morale.
2. Becoming an Entrepreneur
Some MBA students earn this degree so they can put themselves in the position of running their own companies down the road. With big employee rewards ideas, passion for a product or industry, and a fierce sense of independence, these MBA candidates hope to use the new skills they learn in their MBA program to apply them to startups across every industry and niche.
If being your own boss is a top priority for you, don’t be shy about your specific goals on your mission statement and in your admissions committee interview at your dream school. Being an entrepreneur is a great way to help others in that you will provide jobs to the community. As your own boss, you’ll also be able to create a balance between work and play while leaving your mark and putting a personal touch on any industry.
3. Gaining New Skills for the Future
The global pandemic has taught us all just how quickly things can change. For some MBA candidates, one reason to earn this degree is to get up to speed with technology, marketing, and global market trends. As someone who works in a church leadership position, for example, something as simple as ordering altar candles online could come with more opportunities than in the past. Students who understand this are aware of the power of social media, networking, and how the market’s changing. They enroll in MBA programs at top schools to get a better understanding of how any business transaction can lead to big results to benefit everyone.
If being on the cutting edge with networking and the ability to leverage resources matters to you, have an honest conversation with your MBA admissions consultant about how you’d be able to use your degree to make connections on a regular basis. An MBA admissions consultant is there to listen beyond just helping you with your chances of admission into a top MBA program, and provide an effective way to better understand your own long term goals.
4. Finding Avenues for Freedom
There’s an expression about knowledge being power. In many cases, power translates into success and a better bottom line for profits. Many MBA candidates understand that the more successful a business is, the more likely it is that they’ll be able to buy themselves some freedom. Whether it’s working remotely or learning how to delegate important tasks so they can take vacations and make lifestyle changes, some MBA students hope to apply the new skills they pick up in their programs to become more efficient. That is, the more efficient a company is, the more freedom business leaders can have in their off time.
Your time is important. If freedom is a top priority for you, a focus on entrepreneurship both during and after your advanced business degree program is a perfect way to translate prior work experience into an investment for your future that will add up to more freedom.
5. Using Social Media and Influencers in the Global Market
More and more business leaders are turning to micro influencers to create brand awareness. Attending an MBA program to understand new marketing trends can make a huge impact on a company’s success. Some students come out of an MBA program prepared to take on any industry when it comes to both promoting it and selling products on a larger scale through the global market.
If harnessing the power of social media matters most to you, a career in business marketing could be a great path to take. As a natural storyteller, you’ll be able to help a company write it’s bland, oversee the design of a company logo, work with influencers, and more. Having this advanced degree in your back pocket will ensure you’re apprised of the latest marketing trends.
Congratulations on your decision to become an MBA candidate. A great adventure is ahead that will open doors for not only you, but the people you work for and with. As you make your next steps to become a business leader, take time out to assess your overall career goals as you navigate your MBA graduate school program. By the time graduation day comes, you’ll be in the best position to take on any industry and steer it in your direction.